Authors' Spotlight


Today I’ll be hosting author Nonna Gerikh on my blog. ‘Magic in Mauve’ is her recent release.

Me:  How are you dealing with this pandemic?

Nonna: Oh, it’s a long topic. How much time do I have?

The first few weeks my husband and I felt pretty anxious. We are not used to spending time 24×7 unless we are on vacation in a tropical paradise for a week.

Most of all, we miss our kids’ visits and playtime with grandkids. Sometimes we get on each other’s nerves and for a moment it might feel like there is no escape. But since we can’t change the Governor’s order, we come to our senses and try to make the best of it.

We decided to treat it like a vacation—go for a walk in the park, cook and eat together. My days filled with conference calls and in the evening we watch a lot of comedies. Avoiding negative news helps to stay positive.

As a certified Feng Shui Consultant and health and wellness coach for more than a decade, I teach my clients to organize their homes and workplace as a vital step to create vibrant and positive energy. Unexpected free time helped me to get my home organized to perfection.

This isolation confirms that we can’t control the thinking and behavior of others, but we can control our own. Collectively we can focus on transforming energies of separation, anger, or hatred by distributing love and light one person at the time. I connected with more people during this isolation than I did in years. None of it would be possible without lockdown.

Me:  Has it hampered any major plans for you?

Nonna: Of course, plans got screwed up completely. Several scheduled book club meetings and book signing trips got canceled. Talking about vacation; sadly, our Caribbean trip in June was canceled also. After never-ending winter in Buffalo this year, I couldn’t wait to see the shimmering blue wavy water, magnificent palm trees, and blinding sunshine. We had snow here on May 8 and 9 with the temperature below zero, if you can believe it?!

Me:  Fashion, magic, and romance. What made you decide to mix these elements as a building block of your book?

Nonna: Magic in Mauve is based on a true story and all these elements are parts of the story with a bit of extra magic. The enchanted fabric is one of the main characters by itself. There would be no story without it.

Me:  Were you always a reader?

Nonna: As a kid, reading about other cultures, historical sites, and places around the world always set my imagination on fire. I grew up in the former Soviet Union longing to see countries beautifully portrayed in books.Books became my television set.

Me:  What did you want to become when you were younger?

Nonna: I wanted to be a musician and perform with our Odessa Opera and Ballet Theatre orchestra.

My Grandma got us the cheapest tickets to the ballet Swan Lake when I was about seven years old, so I fell in love with the music and theatre forever since. My love for music got me to music school when I was nine years old. The only opening available and most affordable for my family at that time was the cello. I am glad I was accepted to study that fascinating instrument that replicates the human voice and the human soul. After years of practicing and education, my dream came through—it was one of my first jobs.

Me:  Which book made you believe in magic as a child?

Nonna: It is hard to name one book. I started reading very early. My first chapter book called The Goat on Helicopter. As you can guess from the title—it was magical to six years old.

My all-time favorite books are Jonathan Livingston Seagull, The Count of Monte Cristo, and The Moon and Sixpence.

Growing up in the Soviet Union during the late 1970s and early 1980s, those books changed my life. The dream of flying to the moon seemed more realistic and achievable at that time than getting across the border. I dreamed about the impossible, like digging my way out of the country as Edmond Dantès did, or transforming into that one ridiculed seagull.

In a group of a few rebellious students, we secretly read Jonathan Livingston Seagull, which was published in one of the lowest on the government’s radar Ukrainian magazines. That fable gave us a glimpse of what was possible outside of our brainwashed society. We saw a place where true freedom and individual thinking was welcomed, where, if you work hard, you achieve your heart’s desires. We imagined, if nothing else, escaping and disappearing, like Charles Strickland, from the constant watchful eye of the Communist Party and the KGB.

Fear was in our blood for generations. That seagull, as our beacon of hope, pushed us to take actions despite fear. It took my family and my friends a decade to get out of the Soviet Union. We kissed the carpeted floor in JFK Airport upon our long-awaited arrival. It was books’ magic at work.

Me:  What made you put this story on paper?

Nonna: I have always loved to write. From starting a journal—my secret companion at thirteen to school essays, I never thought about publishing until my 5 years-old granddaughter, already an avid reader asked me to write a book for her. Magic in Mauve wasn’t the one she wanted, but since this story had haunted me for many years, it had to be finished before I could fulfill her wish.

Me:  How did Monique, Zorina, and Alison come to you? Did you just know your characters when you started writing this or did they evolve?

Nonna: I started with the story, bringing my reminiscences to the book.

The characters came to me like visions in my sleep with the quite dramatic stories. I carried them in my head for some time and I thought I knew them long before the book was written.

Zorina;s story is very special and close to my heart. I lived in Central Asia during my childhood years—even went to school there and made a lot of friends among Muslim kids. It was a happy time for me, so, I am not a stranger to their culture. Of course, as I was writing and rewriting, my characters evolved, I didn’t want to dwell on negative and softened the drama.

Click to watch the book signing video from Barnes & Noble where all her books got sold during the 1st hour and she had to convince the manager to let her bring more books from the car, while people waited in line.

Me:  I felt that as much this book is about romance, it is equally about sisterhood. What will you comment on that?

Nonna: Yes, you are right. This is about women’s issues. Important and very relevant today more than ever. Powerful and resilient women; some stay blindly in the least satisfying relationship. Others stand up to voice their opinion where none is allowed and despite the danger of prosecution, bravely rebel against traditions.

With the religious and cultural differences, the mentality, and the serious gap that exists between restrictions in the Middle East and the freedom of the West, we learn that all women are not that different, after all.

Me:  Any more projects you are working on?

Nonna: I had a lot of requests about sequel. Don’t think there would be a sequel, but different book, possible. Right now movie is in the works and all my efforts are in marketing.

I also have three other projects in the works.

I completed the chapter book my granddaughter wanted, but the agents requested a trilogy, so now my granddaughter and I are writing together two more books to fulfill that request.

Middle grade fantasy.

Non-fiction about finding home in all its meanings: physical, spiritual and energetical. It is a collection of case studies and practical advice, based on my coaching program at

I want to thank the host of this blog for the interview and visitors for their precious time. I hope you read my book and love the story with uplifting energy that comes through.

Nonna Gerikh grew up in Ukraine, immigrating to the United States in 1989 with a Bachelor’s degree in Education, and a Master’s in Performing Arts.

While working as a cellist with the Syracuse Symphony Orchestra and teaching children and adults at Metropolitan School For the Arts, a self-confessed education junkie, over the years, she collected various degrees and certificates in computer science, psychology, real estate, fengshui, and holistic healing. Her techniques include Transcendental Meditation &Avana Method. As a Certified Feng Shui Consultant and Specialist in Western and Traditional Feng Shui, she trained under Feng Shui Masters from the US, Europe, and Asia since 1990.

Buffalo resident since 1994, she enjoys spending free time with her son’s family of four, writing, playing the cello, hiking at the park, or reading on the beach under a palm tree with her husband of 30-plus years.

You can find Nonna on:


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