Authors' Spotlight


It is my pleasure to host author and digital marketing strategist Dario Sipos on my blog today.

Me: What exactly is personal branding?

Dario: Personal branding is the process of communicating your value to the community, while digital personal branding simply uses online tools to do it more effectively.
Whether you like it or not, you already have a personal brand because people categorize you based on their perceptions. The question is if you are branded as the person that brings value or if you rely on people to brand you as they wish.
Personal branding is not about being famous. It is about being known in specific fields by the value you bring. It means being known in a particular community so you can reach your goals.

Me: What made you pen down Digital Personal Branding?

Dario: As Digital Marketing Strategist I was often asked about personal branding from clients and friends. After some time I realised the subject of Digital Personal Branding is not clear to many so I decided to write a simple hands on guide that will clarify the complete subject. Throughout my career I seen only benefits of digital personal branding, so I decided to help others use it for their own career and personal life improvement.

Me: Have you always wanted to be a writer?

Dario: Actually it never came to my mind I would eventually become a writer. While visiting clients that needed help with digital marketing, I would create a lot of written material that I would leave to them in attempt to educate them in digital marketing strategy. After some time and a lot of materials created, clients started telling me that I should write a book because they thought my written material was good. So eventually I wrote my first book, that was very well accepted by the readers and that is how I became a writer.

Me: What is a major determinant in establishing your personal brand?

Dario: The world has shift to digital so I believe we all need to focus on digital personal branding. All what we do online is combined in our digital profiles. All people these days before having meetings tend to google the participants names. What search engines show about us is the first impression of others about us. We need to showcase our strengths and skills as the first information that others see about us in case they search for us. Personal brands are based on our core strengths and skills.

Me: I think this book is pivotal specially with freelance business on the rise. What would you comment on that?

Dario: Having a strong personal brand for professionals is the way to influence and gain more opportunities. For a graduate, a personal brand is all the difference between getting a job or not. Entrepreneurs with a developed personal brand will bring in more business.
They will, in that way, also encourage more quality employees to join their companies. Freelancers are definitely the group of people that need especially digital personal branding most, it helps them to find new clients, and especially the higher paying ones.

Me: How is digital personal branding different from in-person branding?

Dario: Digital Personal Branding is based on our online presence, so we need to leave trace online that we actually want others to see. Everything that we do online influences our digital personal brand, because it gets shown in search results when someone searches for us online. Digital Personal Branding works quite faster than in-person branding, and as it is digital it has instantly higher reach. We are able through digital personal branding reach bigger audience and faster than old fashion branding could ever do.

Me: What is Personality’s role in Personal Branding ?

Dario: People like people who are real, and more so they love the ones that allow themselves to be human – the same as any one of us.
A great personal brand must be built on a real personality, including all traits and flaws. Behind every successful personal brand is a real person and not a fake public-relation-created personality. For personal brand, it’s best to avoid trying to create a perfect image.

Me: Are there any new projects underway?

Dario: Currently working on a few new projects in digital marketing strategy, but main is revolving around full digital transformation because I feel the field needs to be demystified.

Dario Sipos is a Digital Marketing Strategist, Branding Expert, Keynote Public Speaker, Business Columnist, Author of the highly acclaimed books Digital Personal Branding and Digital Retail Marketing.

Dario has built his unique skill set during 12+ years of working experience in every aspect of Digital Marketing. He has spent significant time working all over the World in the digital field, helping clients and developing brands.

Dario Sipos currently serves as Digital Strategist at Expert International – the most significant consumer electronics chain in EU and South Africa, working in 22 countries, with 4000+ stores, and a yearly turnover exceeding 16 billion euros.

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